6 Essential Reasons to Use WordPress for Your Website


A frequently asked question from our readers is: Why Do I Use WordPress for Creating a Website? Well, if you also have the same question in your mind then you’re in the right post. There are many reasons to use WordPress for your website. Among them, the 6 most essential reasons will be explained in the following post.

Apart from this, more questions get asked, such as, Isn’t my old site good enough? Why do I need to switch to WordPress from another platform? Once you get the answer to why you should use WordPress, you’ll get the answer to these questions along with. So let’s start.

N.B: When we mention WordPress in this article, we are referring to WordPress.org, also known as self-hosted WordPress. WordPress.com is a hosting service. Please do not confuse the two. Please see our comparison of WordPress.org and WordPress.com for more information.

Most people mistakenly believe that WordPress is simply a blogging platform.

This is not true.

In the beginning, WordPress just served as a blogging tool, but over time it has evolved into a robust content management system (CMS) and a powerful website builder.

One of the best things about WordPress is that it is easy to use and flexible enough to make a wide variety of websites. This is why WordPress has become so popular. Several recent surveys have found that 43% of all websites are powered by WordPress.

Besides Time Magazine, Facebook, The New Yorker, Sony, Disney, Target, The New York Times, and others, many top brands rely on WordPress for their websites, including Time Magazine, Facebook, The New Yorker, Sony, Disney, Target, and others.

The following reasons will give you an idea of why you should make your website with WordPress.

6 Essential Reasons to Use WordPress for Your Website

Here are the 6 prominent reasons below, why you should choose WordPress to create your website. Once you go through all the reasons then you’ll get a clear and full insight of why this is a wise decision to go with WordPress.

WordPress is a FREE


WordPress is free software. As a result, you’re free to download, install, modify and use it as you wish. You can build websites of almost any type using it.

Despite being free, WordPress requires a domain name and web hosting to be installed.

In other words, a domain name is the internet address of your site. The URL for your website is the address your users type into their web browser’s address bar (e.g., themelooks.com).

The web hosting service provides you with a place for your website files.

Our recommendation is Bluehost. A recommended WordPress hosting company, they are one of the world’s largest hosting companies.

WordPress is SEO Friendly

With WordPress, you can create high-quality, semantic markup using standard compliance code. This makes WordPress very popular with search engines.

As a result, WordPress is ranked higher in search engines than other types of websites.

The WordPress platform comes with a great deal of SEO-friendly features right out of the box. A WordPress SEO plugin can also improve your website’s search engine ranking.

Themes and Plugins: Easy Customization


The majority of WordPress users are not web designers or programmers. It is true that most people use WordPress without knowing anything about web design.

With WordPress, you can choose from thousands of free website templates (themes) that are easy to use for non-techies. Every type of website can be built with a WordPress theme (whether it’s a blog, business site, or e-commerce store).

Many WordPress themes have a panel that you can customize to fit your needs almost instantly, including changing colors, uploading logos, changing backgrounds, creating sliders, and more without having to write any code.

By adding plugins to your WordPress site, you can add custom functions to it. There are many WordPress plugins that allow you to add advanced features to your sites, such as analytics, contact forms, membership areas, and more, to your website.

It’s the same as themes when it comes to plugins, with thousands of free and premium options at your disposal.


Safe and Secure Platform


WordPress is a platform built with security in mind, and it is considered to be one of the safest and most secure around for running a website. Internet users should keep in mind, however, that it can be an unreliable place, just like the real world.

Out there, there are intruders who wish to gain access to every site in the world. You can make your WordPress site even more secure by following these simple steps.

Easy Management

Powered by WordPress, you can manage your updates directly from the admin panel. WordPress’ admin dashboard provides the capability of updating plugins and themes.

A WordPress update notification lets you know when a new version is available, so you can simply update your site.

Using a WordPress backup plugin is a very easy way to automatically create backups of your data that can be stored safely on a remote server in the event of an accident or hacking.

Also, WordPress offers mobile applications so you can manage your website on the go.

Easily Handalable: Different Media Types


There is more to WordPress than just writing text. Media uploading is built-in, so you can upload images, audio, and videos.

The WordPress post editor supports oEmbed for embedded videos, Instagram photos, Tweets, and Soundcloud audio, which means you can embed YouTube videos, Instagram photos, Tweets, and Soundcloud audio simply by pasting the URL.

WordPress: How Can You Use It?

Using WordPress, you can build anything from a simple website to a marketplace that sells products online. The websites listed below are only a few examples of the types of websites you can create with WordPress.

Closing Statement

If you were wondering why WordPress is good for you, this article should have answered your question. It is best to use WordPress to truly understand its capabilities. Give it a try, and let us know what you think.

We hope this post was useful to get a full insight into the reasons to use WordPress for your website. If you’re an enthusiast about WordPress, then you may take a look at how you can uninstall and delete a WordPress theme, also you look at this guide on how to set up WooCommerce on WordPress if you wish to make an e-commerce website using WordPress.

If you like this post, be with ThemeLooks and subscribe to our WordPress video tutorials on YouTube. We may also be found on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

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