How to Get Google Sitelinks for Your WordPress Website?

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  • How to Get Google Sitelinks for Your WordPress Website?

A question we often face from readers is- how do I get Google Sitelinks for a WordPress site? Google Sitelinks is basically the additional links that appear in the search results of Google.

Therefore, if you’re you also need to know how you can get Google Sitelinks for your WordPress site, you’re certainly in the right place. READ ON!

For example, if you search for a company name (e.g., ThemeLooks) in the Google search engine, you’ll notice a difference in the search result compared to other normal searches. Your search result will contain many sitelinks (other important site pages). As a result, the result will be larger than others.

What are these sitelinks for? These sitelinks help your company to get more exposure, and your brand can stand out. Having said that, in the entire article, you’ll be with us to know how you can get Google Sitelinks for your WordPress site.

The Things We’ll be Covering Here for You

  • What are Google Sitelinks?
  • How to Get Google Sitelinks for your WordPress site?

What are Google Sitelinks?

Search engine ranking results (SERPs) include additional pages below the first site that are known as Google sitelinks. Sitelinks are links that point to the most popular pages on a site.

Often, you’ll see Google sitelinks when you search for brand keywords because they make it easier for users to navigate the website.

Each website may have a different number of Google sitelinks. There are typically two, four, or six sitelinks displayed underneath the domain name in a typical brand name search in Google.

Users are able to directly access the top pages without extra clicks using Google sitelinks, which are selected by their algorithm to provide the best user experience.

You may not see any sitelinks for your keyword if your website is brand new or gets very little traffic.

Fortunately, we’ll offer some tips on how to get your website listed in Google’s sitelinks.

How to Get Google Sitelinks for your WordPress Site?

There is no certain strategy to get Google Sitelinks for your WordPress website. Unlike other SEO tools, there is no button in Google Search Console that you can click to activate sitelinks to your WordPress site.

Google sitelinks are fully automated and shown depending on Google’s algorithm. However, you may dramatically boost your chances of gaining Google sitelinks for your website by following specific SEO best practices.

Let’s look at the 7 effective tactics for generating sitelinks for your site.

Make You Website Name Unique

Google sitelinks usually appear for the brand-specific search queries, and these sitelinks are only for those sites that rank #1 based on that search results.

If your brand name is generic, such as “Global HR Expert Consulting,” you will most certainly fail to appear at the peak. Even if you reach number one, Google is unsure if the consumer is looking for your firm or the generic topic.

This explains why generic brand names lack sitelinks:


When anyone searches for Apple, Google knows that the user is looking for the tech company Apple, not fruit. Why so? Because Apple has become a renowned brand. Therefore, make your brand name a unique one so that Google knows your search intent.

Because most businesses will not have the marketing resources of Apple to become a global brand, it is preferable to use a more original name for your organization/company, such as ThemeLooks, Jarafa, and so on.

Now, if you currently have a well-established brand, we strongly advise against altering it just to gain sitelinks because this is a difficult process with its own risks.

Website’s Structure and Navigation Needs to be Clear

Easy navigating is a must for any website. And, it is your responsibility as a website owner to ensure that Google and other search engines can easily navigate your site.

This may be accomplished by grouping your top pages in well-planned hierarchical dropdown WordPress menus.

However, you may include breadcrumb navigation on your website to help visitors and search engines understand the site layout.

You should also ensure that crucial website pages such as About, Pricing, Contact, and so on are built and linked from various places on your website.

For SEO: Use Proper Structured Data

Search engines crawl and index your website using automated bots. These search engine algorithms seek structured data to get a clear idea of what the website and the individual page are for.

Moreover, structured data can help you achieve a Google sitelink, highlighted snippet, or even appear in the replies box.

Schema markups or Structured Data, like everything else, do not ensure that Google will add sitelinks, but they definitely do boost your chances.

Add Your Site to Google Search Console after Creating the Sitemap

XML sitemaps are used by Google and other search engines to correctly identify and index all web pages.

Therefore, you must first construct an XML sitemap, which you must then upload to Google Search Console.

Having an XML sitemap will make it a lot easier for Google to locate all of your web pages and may boost your probability of gaining a Google sitelink.

Maintain Page Titles Relevancy by Improving Them

Without question, page titles are the most significant on-page SEO parameter. As a result, you must ensure that your page title is related to the term for which you are attempting to rank.

However, because Google utilizes page titles to produce sitelinks, you must ensure that your page titles are meaningful.

For example, the TrustPulse team did a very good job with their page titles:

Make Yourself Used to with Internal Linking

Internal linking is a major element of on-page SEO. As a result, you must ensure that you often link to your website’s top internal pages.

As Google analyzes backlinks as a ranking indication, internal linking assists Google in determining which pages on your site are the most significant.

For example, this article contains links to various pieces of internal website content.

Raise Your Brand Awareness

As previously stated, Google sitelinks are often displayed for established websites.

At the initial stage, you may not get sitelink like Apple. So there’s no need to be a huge brand like Apple. Rather, the thing you can do is, build enough awareness for Google to take attention.

The authority and online presence of your website are crucial factors in Google’s ranking algorithm.

Here are a few ideas for increasing brand awareness:

  • Make social media profiles based on brand names, and link them to your WordPress site.
  • Guest blogging can be the game-changer in getting the backlinks.
  • A positive review always counts. So, get positive reviews about your brand on social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter) and Google.
  • Attend community discussions or get an interview about your business.
  • Publish press releases to let people know about your brand.

Brand awareness increases the volume of brand searches, which Google evaluates to assess if Sitelinks should be included for that specific keyword.

Final Words

Well, that’s how all things are complete here. Get Google sitelinks for your WordPress site to make your site more powerful and audience-friendly than ever before.

Last but not least, if you’re a newbie to WordPress, you need to know some of the important aspects related to WordPress. Below, we’re attaching some basic and important posts to make your WordPress experience easier than ever before.

If you like this post, be with ThemeLooks and subscribe to our WordPress video tutorials on YouTube. We may also be found on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

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