How to Add and Show Short Product Description in WooCommerce ?

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Do you wish to add and show a short product description in WooCommerce?

Having an engaging short and concise description of products helps customers to get an idea about them and then purchase. Therefore, a short description could play a vital role in boosting sales.

This entire post is all about how you add and show a short product description in WooCommerce.

Why Do You Need to Add and Show a Short Product Description in WooCommerce?

A product with a short description makes customers engage more to learn about it. A short description is similar to a post excerpt; thus, customers will be curious to know more about the product.

You may know that most of the WordPress WooCommerce themes help to show the description under each product prize. Each individual product page has displayed this description using those WordPress WooCommerce themes.


The first product displaying page is vital for shoppers before purchasing. So having a short product description on the first page is a must so that shoppers could get the most important basic information (e.g., size, material, color, and many more) on this page.

Simply put, by seeing this short description on the first page shoppers can decide whether they are likely to learn more about the product from the below description or by clicking the image gallery of the product.

That being said above, a short product description in WooCommerce is the only source that makes shoppers either interested or not about knowing the product. So, it’s very obvious that the rest of the product page engagement greatly depends on the product’s short description.

Well, first thing first, let’s dive into the process of how you can add a short product description in WooCommerce.

The Way of Adding a Short Product Description in WooCommerce

First login to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Products> All Products in order to create a short description. Now, find and pick the product to which you want to add a short description. Once you find the product click on the Edit link.


Upon clicking on Edit scroll down to the bottom of the resulting page and you’ll see the ‘Product short description‘ box. Well, click on the text area and type the short description you want to add for that specific product.


Once you’re done and happy with the description you added, simply click on Publish or Update the product from below. Well, you’ve successfully added a short product description to your WooCommerce product.

Now go back to the website and visit that product page and you will see the short product description at the top of the screen you added.

N.B: The description may display on different areas on your product page depending on the WordPress theme you’re using right now.

However, most WordPress theme usually displays a short description beneath the product price or Add to cart button. But no matter which WordPress theme you’re using, you’ll see the description at the top of the page most of the time except in the Add to cart section.

The Way of Showing a Product Short Description in WooCommerce [Category Page and Main Store]

As I said before, most WooCommerce WordPress theme displays short description only on individual product pages. What about the main store or category pages?

Generally, those themes don’t allow displaying product short descriptions on the main store or category pages. As you can see in the example below. But everything has a solution! And, here we’re here to help you out.


So, let’s assume, you’re hoping to show the short product description on the main store page and category pages, not just only individual product page. If you can do so, then shoppers will get interested to dig the full product page and purchase eventually.

Having said that, you just need to add some codes to your WooCommerce website in order to show the description on the main store and category pages.

No worries! You don’t need to have extensive coding knowledge to do this. Just copy/paste the below code to the functions.php file and see the magic! For more information, you can make visit our guide on how to add custom code in WordPress.

add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item',
'woo_show_excerpt_shop_page', 5 );
function woo_show_excerpt_shop_page() {
global $product;

echo $product->post->post_excerpt;

Well, you’re done! From now on, the main store and category pages will show the product short descriptions for each individual product.

However, most WordPress WooCommerce theme usually displays a short description beneath the product price or Add to cart button. As you can see below:


Keep this in mind, because of having a lot of text on the main store and category pages, your website may look scattered and confusing to the shoppers.

Well, if you don’t like the description you add or customize it you can always do that by following the above procedures.

Finally, Insights

We hope this article helped you learn how to add and show a short product description in WooCommerce. You may also want to see our guide on how to add a wishlist to your WooCommerce store. Also, you may look at our other guide on how to set up WooCommerce on WordPress.

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