How to Choose the Best WooCommerce Theme for Your Online Store?

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In terms of eCommerce WordPress plugins, WooCommerce stands out. An easy-to-use, lightweight plugin for WordPress that instantly turns any website into an e-commerce site. Nevertheless, not all WooCommerce themes are created equal, so choosing the best WooCommerce theme for your online store can be a thoughtful decision.

In fact, having the WooCommerce plugin installed on any old WordPress theme does not create the ideal environment for running an eCommerce store.

There are many things a true online store provides. For instance, shopping cart icons, branded check-out processes, pre-made product galleries, as well as many other eCommerce-specific features.

Certainly, you can simply add products to your existing blog if you have any. In other words, if the goal is to set up an online store that is optimized, then a WooCommerce theme is the best choice.

How do you determine if a theme is suitable for WooCommerce?

Thank you for asking.

Where to Look For While Purchasing a WooCommerce Theme?

You can find several good free WooCommerce themes, but a premium theme is often better. Essentially, to get free updates and support, you should get a premium one.

Listed below are some good places to purchase WooCommerce themes:

Well, the best theme for accomplishing the above-mentioned purposes would be WooLooks developed by ThemeLooks

To the entire post, you’ll be walked through with all the features that WooLooks have, to manage your online store effectively.

Suggested Read: Best WooCommerce Themes For WordPress For 2021

What to Look For When Choosing a WooCommerce Theme for Your Online Store?

Plugins and WooCommerce extensions can achieve some of the functions we discussed, but our goal is to find a WooCommerce theme that requires the least amount of plugins. That way, there are fewer moving parts to manage.

Themes for WooCommerce almost all have some features in common. Fortunately, finding them is not difficult. For example, most WordPress themes now offer mobile compatibility.

As a result, you may conclude that responsiveness, or features such as the following, aren’t important to test.

  • Smooth compatibility with all browsers.
  • WordPress Customizer support for design customization.
  • Blog support.

Despite this, not all responsive designs are the same. By not testing responsiveness, you set yourself up to fail right from the start. Mobile commerce is booming, with mobile eCommerce on the rise.

Additionally, many theme developers claim other things like a beautiful blog, excellent design support, and compatibility with all browsers.

It’s important to have those features. But what matters is most, how they are executed.

Therefore, to begin, make sure that each WooCommerce theme is responsive, compatible with browsers, flexible for blogging, and easy to make design changes.

Well, we’ll move on to some of the more specific features you should consider. Let’s get started.

Shopping Cart Icon: An Interactive One


Among the most obvious differences between a WooCommerce theme and a regular WordPress theme is the lack of shopping cart functionality in standard WordPress themes.

There is usually a shopping cart icon in the header of a well-known online store, which shows how many items are in your cart and their price.

Several WooCommerce themes offer animated add-to-cart buttons that appear when the product image is scrolled over.

Having a shopping cart area helps customers stay organized and finish their purchases quickly.

By saying so, WooLooks offers an interactive shopping cart icon for making your purchase easier than ever before.

Shopping Cart and Checkout: Customizable and Branded


Through the WooCommerce plugin, a basic shopping cart and checkout process is provided by default. However, it must be customized through the source code. 

A simple solution to this is to get a WooCommerce theme with a shopping cart and checkout already built-in.

That WooCommerce theme for you certainly can be the WooLooks as it has all the above-mentioned features in it.

By designing an excellent checkout experience and sending timely cart abandonment emails, you can reduce the cart abandonment problem that is common to all eCommerce sites.

This also allows you to compete against platforms such as Shopify, which offers shopping carts that cannot be branded to your store.

Page Templates: Premade and Attractive


Aside from category and product pages, online stores require additional pages.

The best WooCommerce themes have already created some standard pages to save time and ensure a consistent style. Examples could be About Us/Team pages, Contact Us pages, or category pages.


You’ll have all these in the WooLooks: Multipurpose WordPress WooCommerce theme. It might be considered as the best WooCommerce theme in the market in terms of price and features it possesses right now.

Beautiful and Attractive Product Pages by Following Best Practices


Eventually, customers make buying decisions on the product page. That’s why each item needs to be described completely. WooLooks, WooCommerce theme provides attractive and beautiful product pages to engage more customers.

However, a good product page presents stunning imagery, video, and even downloads. The importance of zooming, navigation and fullscreen effects becomes apparent when you study the best practices behind a product image gallery.

Additionally, a well-designed product page should also include variants, reviews, descriptions, related products, and social networking buttons.


So, to create an outstanding product page, these guidelines are recommended. It discusses everything you need to know about product images and pricing placement.

Note: Not really relevant, but worth mentioning. If you would like to see your online store in a dark mode to give your eyes a break from constant computing then you may also look ThemeLook’s free dark mode plugin DarkLooks.

Reviews of Products


A good theme with a product review design should be your main concern as product reviews are packaged into WooCommerce. Having a product review feature in WooLooks, make it one of the best WooCommerce themes for your online store.

Moreover, make sure that the ratings on the product page can be seen in galleries and thumbnails, and it should tie into the product page area we just discussed. From there, all we have left is to get customers to write reviews.


It is not common for WooCommerce themes to include breadcrumbs. Usually, users can navigate between categories and products using breadcrumbs, which serve as step-by-step navigation.

The Baymard guide has a good explanation of why breadcrumbs are so crucial to eCommerce, along with instructions on how to ensure your theme does so.


Shareable Social Media Tools

Normally, plugins work well, but if your theme has built-in social share buttons, you usually get a better integration. In order to create buzz on product pages, WooCommerce themes must incorporate this.

A social sharing button and a social follow button serve as social features.


It is the sharing buttons that are the most important because they appear on every product and category page. Once a customer buys an item, he or she shares it on social media.

Furthermore, having social follow buttons in your WooCommerce theme is a great addition. In this manner, customers can easily follow your social media accounts.

Suggested Read: Best 6 Free WooCommerce Plugins for WordPress

Wrapping Up Things, Over To You

There are many WooCommerce themes out there, but the best include the components we discussed above. Having said that, you can still use a plugin to make up for the missing features of a theme if you happen to select one that fits your brand perfectly but lacks a few needed features.

WooLooks is highly recommended to manage your online store. Choosing WooLooks will be a perfect decision certainly. All things have been discussed, now the choice is all yours.

Feel free to ask any questions you have about WooCommerce themes below. And, if you find this reading helpful then share with your near and dear ones to grow their online businesses, what they have never thought of.

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ThemeLooks are providing the best Web Development Solutions and out-of-the-box User Experience with integrity and collaboration as a team. 

You may also check ThemeLoook’s profile on ThemeForest to get familiar with other WordPress themes and plugins for you.

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