Keyword Intent for WordPress Businesses: A Powerful Definitive Guide (2024)

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  • Keyword Intent for WordPress Businesses: A Powerful Definitive Guide (2024)

Understanding keyword intent (search intent) is a must if you’ve launched a business on WordPress or started a blog site. So, do you want to know what is keyword intent, why you need to master this, and how it works?

The keyword is important for search engines. And when the keywords match with the user’s search intent, a successful digital venture can be possible.

Also, in order to maximize the outreach of your WordPress business or blog site applying proper keyword intent is a must.

In simple words, when you’ve keyword searched, you need to understand how people use them.

In fact, understanding the user intent is paramount to your WordPress e-commerce or blog site success.

Having that said, this post will cover many aspects of search intent including the main concepts of search intent, the several ways in which people use search engines, what are the tools you need to use, and ultimately how you can reach users by fulfilling the search intent.

What Is Search Intent?

It describes the purpose or reason behind an online search (also known as keyword intent or user intent).

There are different types of searches, some of which are conducted in order to learn more about a certain topic, while others are done in order to locate a local business that will meet their needs.

A consistent effort has been made by Google, which still dominates the search engine market with 92.47%, to improve its algorithm for a better user experience.

A Google algorithm update is usually intended to improve its search results, making them more intuitive and accurate.

Each time Google updates its core algorithm, it changes how it ranks websites. Site owners can recover from Google core updates more quickly by making sure that their content fits user search intents.

It is important to understand what users look for when writing user-friendly and informative posts.

In the case of a search for ‘pumpkin soup‘, you will receive results containing recipes, demonstration videos, and other content.


Other related searches may also be suggested by Google, including ‘How does Jamie Oliver make pumpkin soup?‘ A similar question may be asked by Google: ‘How does Gordon Ramsay make pumpkin soup?


As a result, Google strives to provide searchers with the most relevant content. It is noteworthy that the search results do not include articles on the history or cultural significance of pumpkin soup.

The keywords pumpkin and soup are usually used to find recipes and other practical content when a person types them into a search engine.

Here is another example of Google’s search results for the query ‘how to tie a necktie.’ Notice that the search results include a tutorial video users can follow.


You can also find step-by-step instructions for tying a tie with the help of helpful images:


It doesn’t provide articles about the best necktie colors for certain outfits or photo galleries of models wearing ties.

The searcher, though, is probably trying to tie a necktie and needs practical advice in the form of how-to videos and images, even though these are examples of related content.

Types of Search Intent

The intent behind a search can be classified into four types. Search engines like Google tailor results to each search term based on its clear purpose.

  • Informational
  • Navigational
  • Transactional
  • Commercial Investigation

Informational Intent

These types of searches are typically conducted by those who are seeking information.

In addition to weather information, how-to tips, disease information, travel tips, and other basic information, people rely on search engines for a large range of day-to-day topics.

Informational searchers typically have a particular topic or question in mind they want to learn more about. Here are some examples:

  • ‘Symptoms of migraine’
  • ‘Weather in Chicago today’
  • ‘How to make burritos’
  • ‘How to sell branded merchandise’

Consequently, Google provides users with the content it thinks will be most useful or helpful based on the searcher’s intent.

Navigational Intent

Searches with navigational intent refer to those aimed at a specific website.

For instance, when someone searches for a brand name like Target, Sephora, or Tesla, they are likely to end up on their eCommerce site.

If your site is strongly related to navigational terms like those listed above, ranking high for them is very beneficial.

For example, Target’s website is likely to be the result of people searching for ‘target‘ within the US.


Target’s organic traffic would benefit greatly from ranking high for this term.

Transactional Intent

The term transactional intent refers to online searches with the intention of buying something. An individual conducting a transactional search usually intends to make a purchase.

An action word like ‘buy,’ ‘order,’ or ‘download‘ as well as a specific product or brand are typically included in these searches.


The terms ‘order birthday cake Oaklawn‘, for example, will yield Yelp reviews and restaurants that deliver birthday cakes in Oaklawn.

Commercial Investigation Intent

It is related to transactional intent. It is still common for users searching with this intent to need reviews, product information, or other details about the product or service they are considering purchasing.

Thus, you might still need to convince them about what exactly they need or want. Here are some examples of search queries that illustrate this intent:

  • Best gaming chairs
  • Top hair products for curly hair
  • Best inverter washing machines
  • Best keyboard for writers
  • Which Mac laptop should I buy?

Why KW Intent Matters, and Why You Should Use It in WordPress?

Considering keyword intent when creating a WordPress blog or eCommerce site is important for several reasons:

To Understand Target Audience

With the right content, you can help and persuade them by understanding the intent behind their search queries.

You can, for example, think of the following:

  • Blog posts or article titles that match keyword intent
  • Your product’s best features will be highlighted in product reviews
  • Your product information should be presented in an eye-catching manner on your landing pages

To Identify and Fix Conversion Issues

You can gain valuable insight into consumer behavior by conducting keyword research and intent analysis.

You can, therefore, improve your conversion marketing strategy by analyzing user intent and pinpointing specific concerns.

Top 3 WordPress Plugins That You Can Count On for Keyword Research

If you own a blog or an eCommerce store, you probably already know how vital keyword research and SEO are to the success of the website.

To help you with your keyword research and SEO efforts, below are some of our most recommended WordPress plugins.

Yoast SEO


Yoast SEO is very intuitive and easy to use, which is why many site owners love it so much. WordPress posts and pages can easily be tagged with metadata using Yoast.

Along with keyword research, embedding social media photos in your post is also possible using the Yoast SEO plugin.

Besides, the plugin has got the feature of creating a sitemap automatically for the website. And this sitemap makes Google crawl your site constantly.



It is simple to use and powerful at the same time. XML sitemaps, meta titles, and descriptions are just some of the features you’ll find in this software.

A simple setup and options to access advanced features make it suitable for beginners as well as advanced users.

There are also other handy SEO features in SEOPress, such as:

  • Google Page Speed
  • 404 Monitoring
  • Robots.txt Editing
  • Backlinks Monitoring
  • Content Analysis for Keyword Research

All-In-One SEO


In addition to helping beginners optimize their sites for search engines, All-In-One SEO is an excellent SEO plugin for WordPress.

Due to its constantly auditing functionality, it makes it easy to identify common SEO mistakes on your site.

Among its useful features are:

  • Titles and meta descriptions
  • XML sitemaps
  • Basic schema markup
  • Keyword research
  • Bad bot blocker

Can Ignoring Search Intent Have Dangerous Consequences?

While keyword intent plays a crucial role in most SEO efforts, keywords themselves are also important. Choosing keywords with high search volumes no longer works as well as it used to.

Due to Google’s algorithms continuously becoming more contextual and intelligent, picking keywords with high volume no longer works as well as it used to.

WordPress site owners are also looking for related keywords within niches as they become more familiar with SEO.

Therefore, understanding search intent is also crucial. The result is an additional SEO layer that helps you improve your content and bolster your strategies.

The use of keyword intent allows content to be optimized effectively, and rankings can be boosted dramatically.

Neglecting keyword intent, however, can have the following consequences:

  • Traffic on the site is low
  • Conversions are lower
  • Rankings on SERPs are low
  • Ads not optimized

Optimizing Keyword Intent With Best Practices

Here are some tips on using keywords effectively on your WordPress site. Listed below are actionable strategies you can start using immediately.

Keep in Mind Search Intent While Keyword Researching

Great SEO strategies are founded on strong keyword research strategies. When conducting keyword research, you should consider search intent.

You shouldn’t limit yourself to high-value keywords. Your site or business should benefit from them, so make sure they’re relevant to you.

Here are a few pointers for effective keyword research:

Make a List of Topics that Are Relevant to Your Brand/Business

If you want to rank for broader categories, consider what you want to rank for. Make a list of about ten topics you believe are essential to your business. Later on, you can narrow down your keywords based on these topics.

Make sure to analyze your competitors if you aren’t exactly sure what will work – it can be an excellent starting point.

Choose, Pick and Identify Keywords for Each Topic

We will now look for keywords within each of the broad topics you listed. For each topic, you can brainstorm and write down keywords and phrases that users may search for using a tool or plugin.

Do Keyword Research as Much as You Can?

After you’ve identified the broad categories of keywords, you need to consider the search intent too.

If you want to see what content Google returns for a term, enter the term in the search bar. Long-tail keywords can also be used to get insight into intent by looking at related searches.

Once you’ve created these keywords, you can run them through your keyword research tool or match them against the results. As you go through the options, you can pick the ones that you believe would be most helpful to your blog or eCommerce site.

Making Existing Content Intent-Driven

Your site pages need to match your target audience’s search intent once you’ve done your keyword research. Optimizing your content for search intent is as simple as:

  • Find relevant articles or write-ups related to your topic or product when conducting an informational search. You can write simple blog posts that describe products, share how-to articles, or share information.
  • Ensure that your eCommerce site’s product pages or landing pages are in sync with transactional searches. Don’t entice them to make a purchase by sending them long articles.
  • Use navigational search to direct visitors to the right landing pages. A user who searches specifically for your brand is likely to look at your blog or eCommerce site if they are looking for your brand.
  • Engage, convince, and provide comprehensive content for commercial investigation searches. You can use articles that demonstrate why your product or service would be a good match for this person since they may be ‘on the fence‘ about products or services.

Optimize Anchor Text

Your anchor texts should also be optimized for SEO by using keywords that describe where the link leads. Try not to repeat the same phrases even if they have a high search volume.

Plus, don’t use broad phrases like ‘click here‘ for your anchor text. If used so, you might not get ranked for that. Also don’t link irrelevant pages by creating false intent.

Having A Good Backlink Strategy

You need to make sure of a good backlink strategy. When you have a good backlink strategy means you’re linking to trustworthy sites, and those sites also link back to you. This makes Google understand that you’re having a site with good-quality content which makes your site trustworthy as well.

Finally, Insights

There you have it! Based on the above discussion, it’s pretty much clear that Keyword intent is a crucial part in order to create and optimize high-quality content in WordPress.

No matter whether you’re having a blog or eCommerce site, always provide concentration or priority on keyword intent.

A good strategy with keeping in mind the keyword intent will help your site to rank high on Google SERPs. Write for users not for yourself.

Are there any questions you would like to ask or any better strategy you would like to add? Feel free to comment below!

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