Best 2 Bootstrap Admin and Dashboard Template 2024

Best Bootstrap Admin and Dashboard Template 2018

Best 2 Bootstrap Admin and Dashboard Template

Here are the 2 best bootstrap admin and dashboard template on the market right now. You’ll get an unbelievable amount of features that you might never think of. To make your admin dashboard more convenient and easier than ever, keep reading to the end. And then decide which one you should go with.

DAdmin – Responsive Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template

Responsive Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template
Html5 Dashboard Admin Template


DAdmin is here to do you a big favor if you are a developer trying to avoid developing an admin dashboard for your project. It is a well-built HTML5 admin dashboard template based on the Bootstrap 4 framework which will help you increase the productivity of your business.

Its purpose is to save a lot of time which you can spend on building your web app or website taking it to a new level with the admin tracking facilities.

It features full responsiveness with any kind of device supportability. No matter it’s a computer, cell phone, or tablet, it looks great on all of those devices you have. DAdmin is also retina ready which means it has better viewing pixels.

This template is available in high resolution which increases its usability. Its clean and simple design makes it more user-friendly and easy to use as well as keeps all the exclusive features.

The vector map is available with this template which will allow the user to use the vector-based collection of the geographical information system. By using DAdmin, different files, widgets, and plugins can be added, removed, or edited very easily.

It’s an all-in-one solution that gives a user the power to keep a track of each and everything of their project in one place.

Data loss can be also stopped by using DAdmin. It also helps the user to figure out the lacking of the project and that is why DAdmin helps your project to be strongly built.

DAdmin supports unlimited Google Fonts and Font Awesome icons which have given it a very professional look. It is modern cross-browser supported and can be used with all the top listed browsers in the market today such as Safari, Google Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Edge, IE11, etc. which is a much-needed feature.

Once your project gets bigger, it automatically includes many additional files which may give you trouble but DAdmin is such a template that is capable to handle such kinds of scenarios. W3C validated code and In-depth documentation have made DAdmin more reliable.

Fully Customizable

We go through the process of designing and implementing so that you don’t have to. We have creative design and code which makes it easy to customize.

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Best Bootstrap Admin and Dashboard TemplateBest Bootstrap Admin and Dashboard TemplateBest Bootstrap Admin and Dashboard Template

All Stunning

Elements and Pages

DAdmin comes packed with many pages and elements that will help you build your next project more robust.

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Best Bootstrap Admin and Dashboard TemplateBest Bootstrap Admin and Dashboard TemplateBest Bootstrap Admin and Dashboard Template

Special Features of DAdmin:

  • 40+ HTML Templates: DAdmin has over 40 plus unique HTML templates which have separate purposes and is the best feature of this dashboard.
  • Bootstrap 4: It is built based on BootStrap 4 which makes it more advanced and professional.
  • Clean Design: It has a very clean and simple design which has made it more user-friendly.
  • Google Fonts: DAdmin supports over 800 Google official fonts which are awesome.
  • Font Awesome: Font Awesome icons have been used with this template which is a great feature.
  • Vector Maps: DAdmin features vector maps by which you will be able to use the vector-based collection of the geographical information system.
  • Well Documented: DAdmin is well documented which has increased its build quality.
  • Responsive: It is a 100% responsive template that allows the user to use it from any type of device of any resolution.
  • W3C Validated Code: It is built based on W3C validated code.
  • Cross-Browser Compatible: It is usable from any of the top listed web browsers.
  • Easy, simple, and customizable: DAdmin is very simple and easy to use and also easily customizable without having any kind of coding knowledge.
  • Unique elements and Pages: Every elements and page of this template are unique which is very impressive.
  • Great support including Forums, Video Tutorials, and Documentation

Not only it is rich in features but it offers you great support. It has an access support forum, video tutorials, and documentation to cover your needs.


There are some unique built-in apps with DAdmin that you will be able to integrate with your website to keep a record of it. Below are the apps DAdmin features:

  • Mailbox App: It is a unique page in the template which can integrate with your mails and show mails that you receive in the admin dashboard. Also, you can compose your emails from here, view emails you’ve sent.
  • Calendar App: It can show you the calendar along with any reminders instantly. You can also create custom events.
  • Contacts App: You can create, save, edit your contacts here and group them into different categories.
  • Note App: With the help of the note app, you will be able to note down something instantly right from the dashboard.
  • To-do List App: The To-do list app will allow you to save your planning about future tasks and act according to it.

Extra Pages:

Along with the apps, there are also many extra pages with this template which are given below:

  • Pricing Table: From this page, you will be able to access the pricing table along with the different offers of your website.
  • Profile: The profile page shows the basic detailed information about you and your projects and followers.
  • Invoice Page: By visiting this page you will get all the details about invoice numbers including vat, shipping price, etc.
  • Login: To log into the dashboard, You can either log in using your email and password or you can use your Facebook or Google accounts to log in.
  • Register: On this page, you’ll find all the steps to get registered as a new user.
  • Forgot Password: This page will take you to the process to recover the password in case you forget.
  • Lock Screen Page: When you lock your project you will be redirected to the lock screen page.
  • 404 Error: This page appears in case of any error related to your searching.
  • 500 Error: In case of any error including connectivity or server issues this page will show up.
  • Maintenance Page: When the site is under maintenance you will be redirected to this page.
  • Coming Soon Page: When you release new websites or projects, you can use the coming soon page to feature your upcoming project.

Support of Best Bootstrap Admin and Dashboard Template

ThemeLooks is always serious about customer support because your satisfaction is the only thing we care about. DAdmin is quality checked by Envato.

With the purchase; you will get 6 months of free support from us. You will also get all the future updates of your product from us which means you will never be backdated.

There is also a Support Forum of ThemeLooks where you can post any kind of questions or queries related to your product and you’ll get our response within 1 business day.

Also to assist you in setting up and using your product, we have added video tutorials and documentation for you which means you don’t have to call anyone for help anymore because of having each and everything included with the product.

DAdmin – Responsive Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template

Responsive Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template
Html5 Dashboard Admin Template


Dashmin | Responsive Admin Dashboard Template


Dashmin is a fully-featured powerful modern admin dashboard template based on Bootstrap and Sass for all kinds of backend projects. It comes with a bunch of working JavaScript apps to build your next back-end application with ease.

Dashmin Admin also comes with a multitude of reusable components such as buttons, maps, charts, widgets, forms, tables, and a bunch of elements that you can include in your project.

The design is responsive and is 100% adapted to mobile devices of all sizes. Anyone can easily update/edit this template by following our Well-Sorted Documentation.

Developing an admin dashboard for your project is a big pain, but Dashmin will save you a lot of time. You will be able to increase the productivity of your business by using this HTML5 admin dashboard theme that is built on the Bootstrap 4 framework.

Using this app, you can spend less time building your website or app and more time focusing on expanding it with admin tracking functions.

Full responsiveness with full device support is included. It looks great on any device, whether it’s a computer, cell phone, or tablet. Furthermore, the app is retina ready, meaning pixels are sharper.

Furthermore, the template is available in high resolution, which increases its usability. In addition to its clean, simple design, it has all the exclusive features that make it more user-friendly and easier to use.

This template comes with a vector map so that the user can use the geographical information system’s vector-based collection. Dashmin allows you to add, remove, or edit different files, widgets, and plugins very easily.

It gives you the power to keep track of every aspect of your project in one place since it’s an all-in-one solution.

With Dashmin, you can prevent data loss as well. Additionally, it allows the user to find out the flaws in the project, which is why Dashmin helps your project grow.

The dashboard is equipped with unlimited Google Fonts and Font Awesome icons, giving it a very professional appearance. It is cross-browser compatible and can be used with any of the popular browsers available today such as Safari, Google Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Edge, IE11, etc.

Dashmin is a template that can handle this kind of scenario because of the way it automatically includes many additional files as your project grows. Dashmin has become more reliable by using W3C validated code and extensive documentation.

Core Features of Dashmin

  • Latest Stable Bootstrap v4.x Ready
  • Fully Responsive
  • SASS Powered
  • Clean Design
  • Well Commented Codes
  • Huge Number of Components
  • Google Font
  • Flexible Charts and Maps
  • Icon font Icons
  • Modern Cross Browser Support
  • E-Commerce Dashboard, Product-Catalog, Product-Details, Orders, Cart Pages
  • Pixel Perfect Design
  • W3C Validated Code
  • Well Documented
  • Error Free Code
  • Life Time Updates
  • Exclusive Support
  • In-Depth Documentation
  • Invoices List, Edit and Details page
  • Contacts and Profile page
  • Data tables
  • 6 chart libraries

Functional Applications

  • Email
  • Chat
  • Todo
  • Calendar
  • Invoice
  • File Manager
  • Project Manager
  • Task List
  • Create New Board

Extra Pages

  • Pricing Table, Profile, Faq, Timeline Page
  • Login, Register, Forgot Password, Reset Password Page
  • 404 Error, 500 Error Page
  • Maintenance, Coming Soon, Session Timeout, Not authorized Page

Support of Best Bootstrap Admin and Dashboard Template

Customer support is a priority at ThemeLooks because your happiness is our priority. Dashmin is quality-tested by Envato.

You will receive free support from us for six months following the purchase. As well, you will receive all future updates to your product from us, so you will never be left behind.

A ThemeLooks Support Forum is also available where you can post suggestions or questions about your product, and you will get a reply within one business day.

We have also added video tutorials and documentation for you to help with the setup and use of your product, so you don’t have to call anyone for help anymore since everything is included with the product.

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