Restrofood Multibranch Monthly Business

RestroFood Multibranch Add-on. This add-on will allow you to Create Branches. Add Branch Manager, Kitchen Manager, Delivery Boy, Address, holy days, etc. For each Branch. Branch-based product showing system. Branch-based opening & closing hours setting system. Transfer Orders from Branch to Branch, etc.

Restrofood Multibranch Monthly Business Plan:

100 Site License
1 Month Update
1 Month Support
All Features Included

Main Features of RestroFood Multibranch:

  • Easy Branch Creation
  • Add Branch Manager, Kitchen Manager, Delivery Boy, Address, etc. For each Branch
  • Branch-based product upload system
  • Day Based on order delivery start and end time set option for each branch
  • Multiple holy day set options for each branch
  • Multiple zip code adding system for each branch for zip code-based delivery & pickup
  • Manage Orders, Delivery, and Pickup by Branch
  • Transfer Orders from Branch to Branch
  • Easy Settings options
  • Translation ready
  • Fully Responsive
  • Error-free code
  • Free Updates
  • Well and Online Documentation and Video Tutorials

Managing multiple restaurant locations can be challenging, especially when it comes to coordinating operations, tracking orders, and ensuring consistent service quality. The Restrofood Multibranch Monthly Business add-on is designed to address these challenges by offering a robust solution for businesses with multiple branches. This powerful tool integrates seamlessly with your WordPress and WooCommerce setup, providing advanced features to streamline operations and enhance efficiency across all your locations.

Key Features of Restrofood Multibranch Monthly Business

Centralized Management

The Restrofood Multibranch Monthly Business add-on provides a centralized management system that allows you to oversee all your restaurant branches from a single dashboard. It provides centralized control which allows you to manage inventory, track orders, and monitor performance all from one location, this in turn saves you time and reduces administrative burden.

Unified Order System

And with the extension, you can have a centralized order system that takes all the orders from all the branches and compiles them into one screen. This makes it very easy to process orders and also means that all orders are processed in a uniform fashion no matter which branch the order comes from. It also allows for better control of customer preferences and a consistency of high quality service among all units.

Branch-Specific Configuration

The Restrofood Multibranch Monthly Business plugin has the ability to have branch configurations so you can have different menu items, prices, and promotions for each branch. That flexibility allows each branch to appeal to it’s own local consumer base, but still uphold a consistent corporate image.

Real-Time Analytics and Reporting

Effective decision-making relies on accurate data. The add-on provides real-time analytics and reporting features that offer insights into sales performance, order volume, and customer preferences across all branches. That way you can track trends manage operations and make knowledgeable decisions that will lead to growth and efficiency.

Streamlined Communication

Communication between branches is vital for smooth operations. The restrofood multibranch monthly business extension makes it very convenient to communicate because it has messaging and notification capabilities. That way any changes, special instructions, or operational changes are relayed to all locations.

Easy Integration with WooCommerce

Compatible with WooCommerce, the Restrofood Multibranch Monthly Business extension blends in perfectly with your e-commerce infrastructure. This integration ensures that your order management, inventory tracking, and customer interactions are unified and streamlined, enhancing the overall efficiency of your restaurant chain.

Monthly Subscription Benefits

The Restrofood Multibranch Monthly Business subscription has many benefits. And the monthly plan gives you the flexibility to expand and contract your business as you wish. This means you have constant updates, support, and new features, all without signing a long-term contract.

Why Choose Restrofood Multibranch Monthly Business?

The Restrofood Multibranch Monthly Business plug-in which is made especially for those with more than one restaurant. Its centralized management, unified order systems, and real-time analytics all make it an incredible tool to help run and improve operations as efficiently as possible. From overseeing a series of restaurants to branching out to new locations, this feature will equip you with all of the necessary tools to allow you to do so.

Add the Restrofood Multibranch Monthly Business plugin to your WordPress and WooCommerce and your branches will be better in sync, and you will be able to manage more efficiently and grow more successfully. With the flexibility of the monthly subscription plan you can grow with the company and with the company’s changing needs, and always have the premium features and support.


The Restrofood Multibranch Monthly Business plug-in is an easy way to control many different restaurant branches. It has a lot of cool features and it ties in very nicely with WooCommerce so that it is all one system where the orders are managed and the branch-specific configurations, and real-time analytics. With this supplement, you can streamline your processes, become more efficient, and guarantee a uniform, first-rate experience for your clientele at every one of your locations. Add the Restrofood Multibranch Monthly Business upgrade to your account now and elevate your restaurant empire.

This product has 3 variants:

Restrofood Multibranch Monthly Business
Restrofood Multibranch Monthly Professional
Restrofood Multibranch Monthly Personal

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