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Corona Virus data COVID-19 Statistics Live Update for WordPress plugins
Corona Update pro is COVID-19 Statistics Live Update for WordPress plugins for Elementor.
Corona Update pro is a WordPress Plugin for elementor, which is display Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak live cases updates dta in any WordPress website and templates. You can simply use in page/posts/widgets section with simple shortcode.
This Plugins support Elementor, WPBakery page builder, Visual Composer, King Composer, Gutenberg, etc.
Corona Update pro plugin displays the Coronavirus current cases data of the specific country & World waid data via shortcodes in your any WordPress website post or page in any template.
Using this plugin you can display Coronavirus current cases data specific country or world wide data. It’s display to live Total Infected, Deaths, Recovered, Active Cases, Critical Cases in any WordPress aite and any template. this plugins tested with latest wordpress.